Introduction: From the beginning of Jesus’ earthly life until the end, and beyond, Mary proved to be an exemplary mother. She was instrumental in the prophecy of His birth, involved in His upbringing, interested in His ministry, inseparable from Him at His death, and influential in His church. Let’s look at Mary from the following five passages of Scripture.
I. Luke 1:26-33, 38
Christian motherhood begins before the actual birth of a child.
II. Luke 2:1-7, 21-24, 39-52
Mary influenced the spiritual development of Jesus throughout the years of His childhood and youth.
III. Luke 8:19-21
Mary’s mission as mother included supporting Jesus during His earthly ministry.
IV. John 19:25-27
Mary’s loyalty and devotion to Jesus caused her to stand beside Him even through His death.
V. Acts 1:12-14
Quite possibly, it was Mary the model of motherhood who played a vital role in the conversion of Jesus’ brothers.
Galatians 4:4 John 1:14